General information
Venue and Hours
Watson Island Amphitheater
715 Struthers Ave
Grand Junction, CO 81501
Saturday, October 19th 2024
Doors open at TBD
You must be 18+ to attend this event. Any attendees under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian with them.
Zero Tolerance
We have a zero-tolerance policy for weapons, drug use and possession. Be responsible, and make smart choices.
Security and Entry
By purchasing a ticket, you agree to submit to a search if deemed necessary. We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone. Please see Prohibited Items list below.
Prohibited Items
NO Weapons
NO Knives
NO Illegal Substances
NO Pets or animals of any kind
NO Glass of any kind
NO tanks of compressed air, helium, nitrous, etc.
NO Fireworks
The Hallow is a fully accessible event, and we are dedicated to continually improving our efforts to ensure you have access to all the event amenities. We welcome and encourage all feedback and suggestions from our patrons. For any accessibility-related questions please contact us. We will do our best to assist you and address your accessibility needs.The venue is fully navigable for people with mobility disabilities. The event is held on concrete, with lawn overlay in parts.
Parking and Drop-Off
Parking is available next to The Botanical Gardens.
Please keep up-to-date on weather reports and plan your attire and preparations accordingly.
Respect the Space
Take care of your environment, and it will take care of you. Dispose of trash in appropriate bins. Pick up that stray piece of trash. Recycle that bottle. Do your part to keep things beautiful. Leave no trace.